Our Story

Spring of Colors focuses on producing artwork and greeting cards that are positive, family friendly and full of joyful energy. In our fast paced life, often times we neglect our mental health and emotions. As such, we hope that Spring of Colors will encourage you to take a moment and let you refocus on what matters in life. We hope our artwork will add warmth in your heart and a smile on your face.

Meet the Artist

Hello, I’m Lori the artist behind Spring of Colors. I’m a self-taught illustrator and a greeting card designer based in Toronto, Canada where I live with my husband and seven year old son. I’m originally from Lebanon (I’m also half Armenian from my dad’s side) where I was born and lived most of my life. I’ve always been passionate about art and drawing was my go to activity whenever I felt anxious or overwhelmed. However, I never imagined that one day it would turn into my dream job and I’ll be able to share this passion with those around me. Some random facts about me:

  • I’m a Pisces, dreamy, imaginative, creative and highly sensitive (yup, the whole package).

  • I’m a big introvert, my alone times are a necessity to recharge.

  • I have zero tolerance for caffeine, a small cup of coffee in the morning could keep me up all night.

  • Winter is my favorite season of the year (most wouldn’t agree with me on this).

Why Spring of Colors?

For those of you who don’t know Lebanon, it’s a beautiful small country in the Middle East with amazing weather and great food. However, Lebanon in the past few decades witnessed a lot of problems, from wars, to invasions, terrorist attacks, economic corruption and shortly before I moved to Canada the 2020 Beirut Blast that destroyed many cities and left hundreds dead and thousands injured and/or homeless. Growing up, often times stressful days can have their toll on someone’s mental health. So, for me expressing myself in drawing has always been my go to haven in stressful times. As a result, Spring of Colors was founded in 2021 which was my way of dealing with stress and anxiety and hopefully could be a place for you to be reminded to stay positive and focus on what truly matters in life.